We are now offering daily classes online via Zoom

Click HERE to see the current schedule and to sign up for a class

How does it work?

To take class, signup for class as you normally would on our website Schedule page, or using the MindBody App. You can use your current class passes, membership or you can purchase Live-stream passes HERE.

You must pre-register for classes in advance. 30 min. before the start of class, you will receive an email from Fitgrid +Radiant Yoga with a link to join the Zoom meeting.  

If you have never used Zoom before:

The first time you take a class you may need to create a free account at  zoom.us. Make sure you use the same name for your Zoom account as you use with MindBody.

30 min before class we will email you a link to join the Zoom “meeting” or class. If you don’t see the email make sure you check your spam/junk folder. If you have any issues email us at info@radiantyogaandwellness.com 

In the email will be a link to join the Zoom class. You do not need a meeting number or password to join. Just click the link and it should take you right there.

Please be aware that your video settings and audio will be turned OFF at the beginning of class. This enables you to choose if you want to chat before class or remain quiet.  You can unmute yourself before class and turn on your video if you choose so that the teacher can see you, and you can all say hello. This is the fun part, and what makes it feel like we are all connected and practicing together. When class starts, the teacher will mute all of your audio, and you can choose to turn off your video if you prefer. 

 You will need a laptop, smartphone or ipad to participate. You will want a yoga mat and a place to set your device so that you can both see and hear the teacher during the class. Have anything available that you need for your comfort, possibly a blanket, block or books to use as a block, strap or tie and a pillow or bolster.

If you are logging in from outside Ohio. Please note that all classes will take place in Eastern Standard Time.

We look forward to connecting with you in this new, excitingly modern way and holding space for each other during this unusual time. Please feel free to email us at info@radiantyogaandwellness.com with feedback or questions. This is new for all of us! And as we all get more comfortable with this new format will we add more classes to the schedule. Your attendance helps us to add more classes!