Michele Vinbury

Michele vinbury

Michele is a heart-centered, creative and playful teacher who builds connections and community with her students through knowledge of the practices and a lighthearted sense of humor. Central to her teaching is her ability to meet each student right where they are and to teach from an embodied place that is neither wanting to fix or change them.

Michele is most at home when surrounded by rocks, moss and tree friends. In the woods, as on the yoga mat, it just feels easier to breathe. If you’ve taken classes with her, you’ve probably received homework to talk to trees, sing to the stars, lie belly down on the earth, meditate with the sky.

More than one person has called Michele a starburst. People have described her as electric, as “beautiful, hilarious, magic” (and at times, she’s been described as a pain in the #$$ too!)

It is true that sometimes she takes things too seriously. Mostly though, she is playful and light hearted. Michele likes to laugh. A lot. And she does laugh - a lot. Other people who like to laugh find themselves laughing with her - a lot. Which makes her heart happy.

It is her deepest heart’s calling and most sincere life goal to love. (A lot.) And to let herself be loved (a lot) too.